Sunday 5 December 2010

Exploring the Ordinariate in South Wales

Some interesting news from Wales today.  A new South Wales-based Ordinariate site aimed at those in Wales who wish to explore the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus has been set up [here]  Those interested in registering an interest can do so by emailing their name and contact details in complete confidence to  the Administrator at .  
I have added a permanent link to this new site on the right of this blog.

And, in the meantime - Keep the Faith! Some very sensible advice from Fr. Seán Finnegan at the Anglo-Catholic here


  1. This is very heartening news. Whether or not there could be a separate Ordinariate for Wales (since there is only one Catholic hierarchy for England and Wales), it seems to me highly desirable that there should be Welsh congregations within the Ordinariate, with a distinctly Welsh identity.

  2. Without indulging in speculation, I don't think a separate Ordinariate for Wales is either possible (for the reason you give) or, for that matter, very desirable, even if numbers warranted it . The recent history of separatism hasn't been to the benefit of anyone as far as I can see. Indeed, until 1921 the four Welsh Anglican dioceses were part of the Province of Canterbury and SSC chapters in Wales were part of the Western Province until very recently. We need more "cross border" contact, not less.

  3. The structure already exists for a group across the English Midlands as far as Shrewsbury with it's links into the Pricipality. Once the Ordinariate is erected it will be possible to draw more people, especially isolated groups,into this exciting venture. Watch this space!


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