Sunday 10 February 2013

News from the Ordinariate in Wales

It was announced at mass in the Anglican parishes of Abergavenny this morning that Fr Bernard Sixtus and a group of lay people who are 'seriously considering joining the Ordinariate' will begin 'a final stage of formation' beginning on Shrove Tuesday.
This is part of his public announcement:
"A group of people from across this part of South Wales have been meeting on a monthly basis since March 2012 to discuss this further. For those seriously considering joining the Ordinariate, a final stage of formation will now begin on Shrove Tuesday (February 12th). This will involve weekly meetings throughout Lent, as well as participation in Catholic parish life and the Mass.I am among the small group of people intending to make this journey.
It is obvious from the nature of this final stage of exploration that participation in it cannot really be combined with exercising public ministry in and on behalf of the Church in Wales. Bishop Dominic and I have thus agreed that I will be on study leave from this day (10th February) until such time as my resignation from the post of Associate Vicar of these parishes takes effect....
...May I also repeat what I said in December 2011 – namely that my decision is no reflection on what goes on in the life of these parishes. I said then: 'I would not in conscience be considering my position if I was not very seriously con­cerned about the direction the 'ship' Church in Wales as a whole is taking, but this is nothing to do with what happens here in these 'cabins'.' This holds true still: even though I have now concluded that Anglicanism is headed where I in conscience cannot go (and where Anglo-Catholics have always said it must not go), this does not mean I respect and love you, my sisters and brothers in the churches here, any less than before. As you know, I have always sought to live and serve among you as a 'catholic', committed to the fullness of the Faith. That has not changed. But I have now come to realise that there can be no true and full 'catholicity' without embracing true and full communion with the See of Peter..."
The statement in full can now be read on the St Mary's, Abergavenny website [here

As Anglo-Catholics in Wales, whatever our own decisions may ultimately turn out to be, our prayers and good wishes should go with Fr Bernard and all those who are making this journey of faith into full communion with the See of Peter. 
We must keep doors open and bridges clear... there is no room for the slightest degree of animosity among those who are agreed on so much. 
It is good to see the evident generosity of the Bishop of Monmouth in facilitating a smooth departure. However, it does completely escape me how so many of our bishops and the current establishment can regard the loss of devout and loyal traditional Anglicans with such indecent equanimity. If it's not equanimity, what are they doing to encourage us to stay?
Au revoir mais pas adieu,  j'espère ...
There is a link to the group here

1 comment:

  1. At a Deanery Synod, prior to my retirement and move to a different Deanery, my wife attending was told by one gentleman that the sooner we left the CofE and went to Rome the better. "Don't you lot understand you are not wanted" I'm afraid our wonderful Bishops share that man's attitude


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