Thursday 22 October 2009

The threat of pastoral care!

This can't go without a mention. The C of E bishops in the Southwark Diocese have sent out the following letter, overflowing with understanding and concern, charity and goodwill towards their Christian brothers and sisters in spiritual need.
Never before has pastoral care seemed so much like a threat. Watch out or we'll send the boys round to give you some ........pastoral care!
What an impressive bunch Anglican bishops are these days!

"The Vatican has announced the approval of an “Apostolic Constitution” which will make some provision for Anglicans who wish to be in communion with the See of Rome. As the Archbishop has said in his letter to the Bishops of the Church of England “it is now up to those who have made requests to the Holy See to respond to the Apostolic Constitution;” (the Vatican document has yet to be issued). This will be a matter for decision by priests or individual members of congregations.

We do not envisage our parochial structure with its parish churches changing, and we continue to have the responsibility of care for everyone in our parishes."

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