Friday 1 October 2010

Newman on the liturgy of the reformers

I came across this passage in the summer, re-reading Donald Withy's book (Sheed & Ward 1992) on the influence of the breviary on Bl John Henry Newman.
This is a translation from the Latin preface of the Hymni Ecclesiae published in 1838 (the English  preface is much kinder)
"But it is the practice of a prudent man neither to consider that which is old to be out-of-date nor to hold what is strange to be spurious.
This indeed was the error committed with the best intention by our forefathers when they composed prayers amid the blinding fervour of what was called the Reformation, then raging throughout the Church. They composed new forms of prayer from their own convictions. The prayers were not based on what the study of other men's prayers would demand but what the strength of their enthusiasm compelled them to write. In the rest of their work they were moved by a disordered philosophy and admitted things which clearly lacked holiness and were equally a reproach. Hence those rites and ceremonies which we now use; hence our order of divine service, and from these sources must be traced both the form of our teaching and the principles of our worship."
Comments worth bearing  in mind when it is decided what constitutes the liturgical patrimony we might wish to acknowledge at some point in the future?

That stole - Fr Hunwicke, as ever,  has the right answer. Newman  (see video below) These are grown-ups we are dealing with after all, those who are genuinely concerned with unity, and not merely paying lip-service to it depending on the direction of the zeitgeist.  Apostolicae Curae? That 's just how it is - get used to it. Even if it could be described as  having been inaccurate in its assessment of Anglican orders then, no one believes it's going to be re-examined now - for blindingly obvious reasons. But have any of the more oversensitive commentators read the Thirty Nine Articles recently - or the Coronation Oath? Only then complain about feeling insulted.

Vegetarianism anyone? The provenance of the meat we consume. Here
Can this really be true? Comments from Ancient Briton

Mr 10%? The myths of Alfred Kinsey exploded  here

More on liberal totalitarianism posing as 'human rights' - from an admitted atheist, from Spiked-online

A lovely post (& photos) about St Therese here from Fr Mark

Realism and some sanity from Fr Chadwick here
We won't all make the same decisions and we won't all make them at the same time.
But I still think he's being unduly pessimistic about the Ordinariates

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