Sunday 14 November 2010

A new Ordinariate site and a few other links

Our Requiem Mass for Remembrance Sunday this morning (I hope some photos will apear here or on Fr Mark's blog in due course) took place at St Deiniol's. I was glad not to know until after the homily that we had a retired Air Chief Marshal in the congregation.

There is a new Ordinariate site ( a noticeboard for news and information in what is a developing situation):  It comes highly commended.
You will now be able to find a more permanent link on the right of this blog

Fr Hunwicke has a splendid post on the subject of Remembrance Sunday and the Mass.
"The Mass is just as subversive of our modern tyrannies as it was of the horrible nationalisms of the twentieth century. It subverts now- fashionable assumptions of roles and genders. As a communal and hierarchical act with a formal and inherited structure, it subverts the cultures of choice, of spontaneity, of individual autonomy, of each man constructing her own identity"
Read it all here

I really like this newspaper more and more. Where else in the British press but at the Daily Telegraph website could we read this?
"Vincent Nichols shows his impeccable orthodoxy
A.N. Wilson interviews Archbishop Vincent Nichols in this weekend’s Financial Times. Vincent Nichols, writes Wilson, is “a very amiable, modest, smiling priest”, with no side. Wilson is very good, he’s an observant interviewer. It is worth reading the whole piece. Sceptics, those who suspect Vincent Nichols of being a covert liberal, will be pleased to see how robust his answers are, for example, on the subject of women priests."
Our thanks to  Andrew M Brown and for the link to A.N. Wilson's full article in the FT here

Also from the Telegraph comes this offering from the Revd George Pitcher, not even 'a candid friend' of the Catholic Movement.
Well, George, no one really thinks that you theological liberals are actually Nazis - only that they seem to have borrowed a few of their underhand methods and their propaganda skills. Get it now? One wouldn't normally expect liberals to be so, well, literal.

And from the ridiculous to the sublime. Very belatedly, Bishop Andrew Burnham's important discussion of  liturgical patrimony here

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