Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Great Ejectment

It's curious that just as the Church of England is regretting the effects of the Great Ejectment after 1662 it should be in the process of organising another.
Perhaps the Anglican Church's Catholic tradition will have to wait 350 years for the truth to dawn on the descendents (if there are any) of those who are now actively seeking to throw us out...

This excerpt from the announcement of the joint C of E / URC commemoration does, however, give further cause for concern. Another example of modern ecumenism trying to hold two incompatible versions of history at the same time? Which gets us where ... exactly?

"Events such as the execution of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, and of King Charles I, whom the Church of England honours as a martyr, and the sufferings both of Anglican clergy during the Interregnum and of nonconforming ministers after 1662, will be acknowledged with sadness."

I'm nor sure which is worse in the above statement - its bathos or its dishonesty.

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