Sunday 19 February 2012

The State giveth and the State taketh away

On the one hand, Baroness Warsi makes a speech at the Vatican bemoaning the attack on the Christian traditions which have formed British cultural and political life; on the other hand, we are confronted almost on a daily basis by examples of the state-funded diversity and equality industry speading its totalitarian tentacles further and further into our lives, and now we are told that the National Health Service  is planning major cuts to chaplaincies which minister to the spiritual needs of  both patients and hospital staff  [here and here]

We are quite used to the almost complete absence of 'joined-up thinking' by our political masters, but there is a word used to describe those who say one thing and do another......

Cranmer predicts the death of the Anglican Covenant.
Certainly, its principal architects are now remarkably quiet on the subject...

Riding the tiger
On a related topic, we should spare a prayer or two (if not that much sympathy) for those Anglicans who, while remaining 'credally orthodox' themselves, at least in their own eyes, are busy promoting the ordination of women to the episcopate and priesthood. They have no idea (one hopes) of the forces they are setting free...

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