It seems an appropriate way to usher out the old year and welcome the new.
"I love New Year’s Eve" wrote Finzi "though I think it’s the saddest time of the year". Of New Year Music, he added "Here then, are no merry-makings and such-like, but something of the mood which is well suggested by the words of Robert Bridges - "when the stars were shining / Fared I forth alone". From the softest of openings, Finzi conjures an atmospheric picture in sound, climaxing in a broad chorale reminiscent of a carol, before the opening tranquillity returns to this piece of high solemnity. ( from the music publisher Boosey & Hawkes' repertoire note)
For many of us, the passing of 2012 won't be lamented that much. And 2013?
Predictions for next year (a lot of people seem to be doing this) - more of the same...
Grant, O Lord, that as the years change,
we may find rest in thy eternal changelessness.
May we meet this new year bravely,
sure in the faith that, while men come and go,
and life changes around us,
thou art always the same,
guiding us with thy wisdom,
and protecting us with thy love;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
(after Archbishop William Temple)
O Lord Christ, who art both Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end,
and whose years shall not fail: grant us so to pass through the coming year
with faithful hearts, that in all things we may please thee and glorify thy name;
who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost,
ever one God, world without end.
(adapted from the Mozarabic Sacramentary)