Monday, 9 June 2014

FIF: different visions clash

I make no comment either way, after all one has to live among the wreckage, but there is a distinct, shall we say, 'difference of opinion' on the role and history of Forward in Faith between its current Director [see here - page 9ff] and its past Chairman.

As an aside, but without necessarily taking sides in an unhelpful and destructive dispute (even if some might think it tactically necessary in the Church of England at present),  if the Ordinariate - however one chooses to view it and its prospects - is not meant to appeal to Catholic-minded Anglicans, one wonders what exactly is its purpose .... ?

And, whatever situation Anglican Catholics in these islands now have to deal with, in no sense can we believe that we have reached anything like a permanent 'solution' to our 'difficulties' ... 


  1. Sad development. May God preserve Anglican catholicity.

  2. Joseph Golightly10 June 2014 at 08:02

    Forward in Faith has changed under its new management. Dr Podmore brings a different style from his predecessor as does the Chairman (who incidentally was deeply involved in bringing about the Ordinariate). In the true sense of the word it has become Protestant (protesting about Catholicism) depute the words of wanting reunion. Podmore's frequent attacks on the Ordinariate are attacks on the Catholic Church and presumably is the policy of FIF. Broadhurst is correct - where were the "catholic" bishops from 1992 to 2013? Having said all that I guess it is an honourable position to remain in the Anglican Church and become friends with those who you violently disagree with. But that does mean presumably not attacking the wonderful things that are taking place. That sounds to me like Affirming Catholicism - am I wrong?

  3. My personal view remains, that the Ordinariate is a providentially given means of incorporating the riches of Anglican tradition- liturgical and pastoral- into the wider unity of the Catholic Church. As such, it should be supported by Catholic-minded Anglicans, whether or not they fell able at the moment to join it. It is a bridge, and as such needs support from both sides of the river.

  4. Thank you, Father, for that. I would largely concur with what you say. If the Ordinariate is given by the Catholic Church sufficient space and genuine encouragement to prosper, it may well (in the long term) be the only form in which the Anglo-Catholic tradition (the classical Anglican tradition itself, some might argue) will be allowed to survive, given the ruthless determination of our opponents to impose their new religion upon us all. In the meantime, we should certainly not be attacking each other and encouraging what is, in today's cultural situation, an utterly nonsensical anti-Romanism - our fire should be directed elsewhere.

    It’s easy to understand the motivation behind the somewhat critical rhetoric now being directed at the Ordinariate. It is an easy way of demonstrating to our new masters and mistresses that we are “loyal Anglicans” and do not intend to leave for other ecclesial shores. But it runs the huge risk of being perceived as aligning ourselves, even if only tactically and rhetorically, with those whose theology is so utterly corrosive of the historic Christian faith and also giving the mistaken impression that our ecumenical goal – that of the reunion of the Catholic Church, East and West - has been jettisoned in favour of a (semi)protected position within an ecclesial body which is drifting, it seems inexorably, towards heresy.

    The immediate agenda and prospects of those who have left to form the Ordinariate and those who have chosen to continue the struggle within Anglicanism (these are judgement calls – but we should be grown up enough to respect others’ decisions in this regard, even if we believe them to be flawed) are of necessity different, yet I think it is still in the best interests of everyone in the wider 'catholic' tradition, and of ecumenism itself, if orthodox Anglo-Catholic parishes can continue to thrive, even against all the odds, within the 'Canterbury' structures, but surely ultimately we are on the same side.
    Or so I believed ... and will continue to believe ...

    1. I don't know if the links I give you will be displayed correctly but I'll try all the same

      May I suggest you read these three posts on our Ordinariate Expats blog:

      Anglo-Catholicism in the 21st Century (the fourth in a selection of articles in this post: What future for Anglo-Catholics and the Ordinariates?)

      Anglo-Catholicism and Us

      What is Proselytism?

      I think you will get a picture from these posts which corresponds very much to your own view.

      David Murphy
      Ordinariate Expats

  5. Joseph Golightly10 June 2014 at 16:42

    Father Gollop - A very good posting I only wish that this could have a wider circulation. To attack the Ordinariate is to to attack the Papacy because it is Catholic. It seem that it is far more important to have friends in Church House rather than Golden Square. Shame on them!


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