Tuesday 5 January 2010

Extraordinary scenes in a parish in rural France

A French parish priest has been removed from his parish by the bishop of Evreux, seemingly because he was too loyal to Pope Benedict and insufficiently loyal to the "spirit of the Council!"
For those who speak French (even if you don't, you will get the gist), here are two news clips from You Tube. Biretta tip to Fr Neil for bringing them to my attention.
There is a full report in English by Fr Anthony Chadwick at The Anglo-Catholic here:

It would seem we are not alone in the Church in Wales in  having to deal with the folly of some members of the episcopate.
Prayers please for the parish of Thiberville and their parish priest, Fr Michel.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't noticed until I read Fr Chadwick's account, and the French site he links to, that the bishop thinks it's All Saints (about 1.52 in the second clip)


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