Saturday, 29 May 2010

Congruities and incongruities. End of the week updates & comments

Rome and Moscow to co-operate in the re-evangelisation of Europe
A sign of things to come? From Sandro Magister

Liberal Protestants all?
It's interesting to see the trajectory of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the U.S. so closely mirroring that of TEC.  From First Things:

A world gone mad?
I'm never quite sure what to make of Melanie Phillips. Sometimes worth a read anyway.
From the U.S. National Review Online

A truly terrifying news story about an accused (and self-confessed) serial killer in the north of England who seems to be enthralled by the "glamour" (in the true sense - as the baptism rite would have it) of his own evil actions. Report here . Why do people find this kind of horrific crime - the staple of so many films and T.V. series - so utterly but unhealthily fascinating?
So I hesitate to say this in the context of what has happened, but why does the BBC news constantly use this phrase about the murdered women - "who worked as prostitutes?" Am I the only person to notice the incongruity, or perhaps just the only person with enough bad taste to mention it at this particular juncture?
But in some ways I do understand why the story has been reported in this way (it's clearly a deliberate policy) and have more than a little sympathy for the reasoning behind it. Being a prostitute - and very few resort to prostitution in any voluntary sense whatsoever - is no reason to be regarded as somehow less worthy of life or of the protection of the law, or as beyond normal human compassion and understanding. As we might say, whatever they may have been driven to do because of addiction, desperation or the violent coercion of others, they are made in the image and likeness of God and have immortal souls like the rest of us. Truly, 'there but for the grace of God go I.'
But "working as a prostitute?" It makes it sound like a job like any other. And it just isn't. I'm not sure it helps anyone - those driven to sell their bodies, or society itself - to pretend that it is.

Ruth Gledhill of The Times on those American ordinations
Essentially the fallacious 'second order' argument yet again - it's a done deal and not that important.
So get over it. Here
But a sane and traditional response:

"I'm Spiritual, not religious"
Lastly, from Rod Dreher: - it's what we often long to say to people, but somehow always bottle out....
Here. Biretta tip to A Conservative Blog for Peace (again!)


  1. With respect, Father, the phrase 'who worked as a prostitute' doesn't make it sound like any other job. Are we 'men who work as priests'? Are my letters delivered by 'a woman who works as a postman'? No, it's just a rather absurd attempt at euphemism

  2. I'm not sure - it depends on the job, I think. People are often described as "working as" a waitress or a barman when it's not their permanent occupation. But, of course, you're right about the clumsy attempt at euphemism. But the motivation behind the euphemism is clearly (and of course correctly) that these women are not 'fair game.'


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