Friday 3 February 2012

Sore throats & troubled minds

On the subject of yesterday's last post, here is the somewhat equivocal statement of the Bishop of London in response to the letter some of his clergy have written to The Times:
"Their request to General Synod is based on very proper pastoral concern and it is right that this matter continues to be discussed openly."

The problem for all of us, as the bishop must be clearly aware, is how clergy can continue to minister effectively and honestly to the people in their care when as a Church we have become so uncertain about the nature of the truths we are meant to proclaim and of the life of holiness we are meant to commend, when the Church itself has been reduced, as has been said, to the level of an ethical debating society in permanent session, and when our bishops have become ecclesial politicians whose paramount goal seems to be keeping the show on the road at all costs and are content to play off one faction against another in order to achieve that.

Here is a post about St Blaise whose feast is today.
Having been suffering from a bug this week which began on Monday with an extremely painful throat, I particularly appreciate his prayers.

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