Wednesday 2 January 2013

The Ordinariate gets its new home in London

The Catholic Herald is reporting that the Ordinariate in England and Wales is to be given its principal Church in London this year, with the gift of the 18th century Church of Our Lady of the Assumption & St Gregory in Warwick Street:
"At the same time, the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption is being dedicated to the life of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham for their groups in central London. I hope that the use of this beautiful Church, in which the young John Henry Newman first attended Mass, will enable Catholics in the Ordinariate to prosper and to offer to others the particular gifts of the Ordinariate."
This will be very welcome news indeed for all who wish the Ordinariate well as Anglicanism itself tragically continues to slide further into disarray as it deserts its own traditions and heritage.

However, the breaking news report's central focus is the ending of the so-called 'Soho masses' for "those who experience same-sex attraction." *
The full report is here

* On a related matter, of which we will doubtless be hearing very much more as the year goes on,  the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy has produced a sane and reasoned briefing paper on the issue of same-sex marriage - useful to all who support the equally sane and reasonable, traditional definition of marriage. The paper is available here as a downloadable pdf file

1 comment:

  1. Joseph Golightly2 January 2013 at 12:18

    Good start to 2013 for the Ordinariate with this gift from Archbishop Nichols and the reception yesterday of the Wantage Sisters - Deo Gracias!

    All they need now is money!

    Happy New Year


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