Thursday, 21 February 2013

New bells for old

A new peal of nine bells for the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris has been blessed by Cardinal Vingts-Trois earlier this month.
The existing peal, giving a familiar, evocative but distinctly unmelodious sound, will be replaced next month; they date from 1856 and were themselves installed as replacements for those removed and destroyed in the Revolution. 
The new peal will ring out for the first time over the roofs of the city on Palm Sunday. 
The full story (with some fascinating photos) is on the Cathedral's website [here]

No longer will the inhabitants of Paris hear (or suffer, depending on your point of view) this:


  1. Quasimodo! That name rings a bell!

  2. Come on, lets have some Anglican patrimony in terminology, it's a 'ring of bells', please! A peal is at least 5,040 changes. But then who cares - these are French dongers anyway!!

    1. My apologies - it's important to get these things right!
      Like many clergy I've never dared venture too far into the mysteries of the ringing chamber - if that's the right word for the bit where the ropes hang down?


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