Sunday 17 March 2013

Moves towards unity?

This is intriguing: there have been a couple of posts on Fr Anthony Chadwick's site 'As the Sun in its Orb & New Goliards' [here] concerning dialogue between the Free Church of England [here] and the Union of Scranton (which, of course, includes the PNCC and the Nordic Catholic Church.)
In his latest post [here] Fr Chadwick writes, 'What comes out of this is that the Free Church of England has been modifying its doctrinal positions and praxis for a long time and that they had become compatible with orthodox Old Catholicism.' [This stems primarily, it would seem,  from close contacts with the Syrian Orthodox Church] 
Recently, of course, the Church of England has affirmed the FCofE as a Church possessing (in Anglican terms) valid holy orders.
This is, of course, not in itself a significant development, if one is thinking only in terms of the numbers of those affected by the dialogue rather than an indication of a dramatic theological shift on the part of the Free Church of England.
 What could be even more  interesting is where it might lead, particularly with the Church of England itself intent on ordaining women as bishops and all that accompanies it, and other Anglican provinces in Britain denying 'orthodox' catholic traditionalists the necessary episcopal oversight in order to survive beyond the present generation or so....

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