Tuesday 4 June 2013

So, it will become law..?.

The House of Lords has voted this evening to by a majority of 242 to reject the Dear Amendment * and allow the 'gay marriage bill' to continue its passage. It would now seem highly unlikely that further attempts to delay or amend the bill will be successful, but, as in France, opposition will rightly continue, both within and outside the legislative process. 
A report here, appropriately enough , from The Guardian. 
And a very different response to tonight's vote here
So Parliament will arrogate to itself the unprecedented power to redefine the nature of marriage...
I've always been somewhat sceptical about the need for the disestablishment of the Church of England; it increasingly seems an imperative if the Church is to remain recognisably Christian in its message; ties to an increasingly secularist, and even anti-Christian, State will now not only compromise her historical mission but render it completely impotent...

* '... the amendment of Lord Dear to leave out from "that" to the end and insert "this House declines to give the bill a second reading".' 

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